Excursion to Hasedera

We go to Hasedera for a day trip.

It’s a 40-KM train journey away. We pass through less densely-packed parts of town.

Outskirts of Osaka

Hasedera village is tranquil and rural. You only hear the stream that runs through town.

Hasedera village

The narrow main street is full of interesting shops.

Not sure what this shop sells

It’s fun to browse. Maria buys a new wallet.

Nor this one

There are no non-Asian visitors here. It is off the (non-Asian) tourist map. Why are we here? In January 2016, we see Robert Lepage’s The Library at Night at the ‘national’ archives in Montreal.

Ascending to the main temple

Among its aspects is a VR (virtual reality, for those of you over a century old) tour of ten world libraries, some imaginary, some past and gone, some still in existence.

Fountain for purifying ablutions

One was the rotating sutra library of the Hasedera monastery. Such a library is known a kyozo.

A shrine to the founder

I find this so fascinating. I vow that if we ever go to Japan, we’ll seek out this library. (Thinking it not very likely, at the time.)

Nice view

As it turns out, Hasedera happens to be located less than an hour from Osaka, where we first arrive. An uncanny coincidence.

The main temple

So of course we make an effort to visit, since we’re in the vicinity.

The main temple, close up

While here, we touch the feet of the Buddha for good luck. Sorry, no photos allowed where the magic happens.


We have lunch in the village at a local restaurant.

‘頂きます’, or ‘‘bon appétit

Then back to town again. Did we mention that our place in Osaka has a resident cat?

His name is Akubi. Akubi means ‘yawning’, which he does a lot of. Usually just before napping. He has strangely short legs, like a dachshund or a corgi.

Akubi draws a crowd on the sidewalk

When he’s not prowling the hotel, he sits on a leash outside and lets adoring passers-by fuss over him.

The Eye of the Tiger

You can see he’s just loving the attention we give him. </S>

Sight or Insight of the Day – Hasadera

In one of those exquisite ironies of travel, we arrive at the site of the Hasadera library in the temple grounds, years after first learning of it on a freezing Montreal January afternoon on the other side of the globe – and it’s closed. At least to the public.

I sit forlorn, locked out of the sutra library

Oh well. So it goes. This is what it looks like on the inside.

Thanks, Wikipedia, for the photo